Why a Blog?

Hello everyone, I am Tifany Mulumba, and I am trying to have a baby. This is a blog which will show my journey through the process of trying to have a baby while having infertility conflicts. I have the aid of a great doctor, and we'll see how these aids help in the process.

I will be posting information I find out, along with daily blogs on my mood, my temperature/ovulation chart, prices of meds, etc.

So, I'm providing this blog so that those who are having the same issues know that they're not the only one's struggling with infertility. This gives me an outlet to vent, and others an outlet to gain information. I hope you all enjoy this, and I hope it helps give me some comfort.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Feeling discouraged.  Took a pregnancy test today because I woke up feeling super nauseous.  Test said, "Not Pregnant".  Guess it means that I just probably have stomach flu!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Month 3

So, we know the medroxyprogesterone helped me start my period.  Thank goodness!  Now, a new thing kinda happened that is a pleasant surprise, and annoying at the same time.  I noticed my first month, when I ovulated, the spot in my body where my ovaries are felt engorged and I was in pain.  I figured it was because I ovulated.  I did not experience that month two when I did not ovulate.  Now, this month, I was taking the saliva-based ovulation tester, and as far as the test was concerned, I was not ovulating.  However, one morning, I felt that same pain in my ovary-area, and decided to take a urine-based ovulation test, and it said positive!!!

So, of course, since we are trying to have a baby, the baby-making dance was on!!  So, I think I can tell, just based off paying attention to my body, when I'm ovulating :)  So hopefully, I won't have to buy anymore ovulation kits.  BUT, I am now decided that the saliva-based kit is NOT the way to go.  The urine-based test is the better choice.  My saliva-based test NEVER said I was ovulating, but the urine-based test has said it every time I have ovulated.  So there's the skinny!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 27, 2010

Talking with my mom, I discovered that my basal body temperature is so low meaning my metabolism is low.  As if I don't have enough to worry about? :)  Anyway, last night I worked out with my cousin Cy, and this morning my temperature went from 97.0 yesterday to 97.5 today, which means, metabolism is higher?? This is good news, if that's the case.  Which also means, better for baby-making? 

Also, not so excited about the fact that my fertility pills make me gain weight.  Extra exercising and eating better will help combat that I'm sure, it's just trying to find the motivation that is the hard part!  I will prevail! Hehe.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Month Three

Well, the Medroxyprogresterone is working this month!  I have successfully started the menstruation process.  Now, I start the increased amount of fertility drugs in 4 more days!  From there, I'll be doing daily diaries about what the ovulation kits say, so here's for hoping, right?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Info :)

So, Doc gave me another pregnancy test, and the nurse said to me, "Yep, seriously not pregnant."  Those words suck.  However, he upped my Clomid from 100mg to 150mg (3 pills a day from days 5-9).  He also prescribed me Medroxyprogesterone again. 

So, the process starts all over again.  I'm now on day 1 of my Medroxyprogesterone.  However, something wonderful happened!  I've been getting my prescription from Harmon's (Local grocery store that I love), but I decided to see what the cost difference is at another store.  So, I went to Rite Aid to get my meds filled, and here was the new cost breakdown.

Cost:  $10.00 MedroxyProgesterone (generic for Provera)
          $14.99 Clomephene (generic for Clomid)
          $0.00  Doc visit
          $24.99   YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Rite Aid it is!

Month 2

Alright, menstruation commenced, so not pregnant.  Another month, no biggie, we'll just try again.  My cousin Cy suggests we not do the down-and-dirty husband/wife thing for like 2 weeks before ovulation to make sure his swimmers are at their strength!  So, that's what we did; however, there was a problem.  According to my temperature, a urine-based ovulation kit, and a saliva-based ovulation kit, I didn't ovulate AT ALL!!!!!!

Not only did I not ovulate, but when it came time for menstruation to happen? That didn't happen either!!  So, I took two pregnancy tests, and they came out negative.  So, now not only are things not progressing forward, they've gone back a step!

Cost: $50.00 Clomid
         $40.00 Urine-based ovulation kit
         $50.00 Saliva-based ovulation kit

Month 1

I started this process three months ago almost, so I'm starting with what happened the first month.  I was put on Medroxyprogesterone to help force my body into having a period.  From there, the Clomid (which is the fertility drug) helps keep that up, as well as helps my body with ovulation.  So, here is a picture of my temperature and ovulation for the first month.  You'll also see that on the bottom there are some symbols, and these are just telling when an ovulation kit said I was and wasn't ovulating.

So, month 1:  My temperature is low because my metabolism sucks.  You can see that on day 17 I ovulated, the temperature shows this, and a urine-based ovulation kit showed this. I had taken the Medroxyprogesterone, and 100mg of Clomid (2 pills a day from day 5-9). 

Cost:  $35.00 doctor visit
          $10.00 co-pay for Medroxyprogesterone
          $50.00 Clomid (not covered by insurance)

Basal Temperature!

Okay, so here's the skinny (or in my case, not so much).  The basal temperature helps determine when ovulation is going to happen, happens, and after happen.  Here's a picture of a sample chart.